Preparing Wood?


Mostly New Member
Jun 20, 2013
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So, I recently picked up two awesome pieces of spider wood from the lfs. I don't think I have an old pot to boil them in so I'm trying to soak them in the tub with hot water. How long should they be soaked? Am I doing this right....? /:
until they sink. is the simple answer.
dont boil them it makes the wood fall apart faster, if you want to sterilize it rub it with bleach then rinse off, add decholornator to a bucket of water to get rid of the last of the bleach. 
if your worried about it turning your water brown, then keep changing the water about once every 2 days, although i think brown water makes quite an attractive tank 
Once in the tank your water will turn brown. It will turn brown less and less over time; it's probably going to be a long time but does no harm. PH may be affected during this period.
Make sure you rinse the wood good after the tub.   When I first started I didn't realize how much soap was still in the tub until I put it in my just cycled tank.

I had a couple of large pieces that I tied to slate in my tank until it didn't float.  

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