Preparing A 50 Gallon 4ft Tank


Fish Fanatic
Dec 14, 2008
Reaction score
Daegu, South Korea
I recently purchased a very nice 4 ft long 50 gallon tank with heater, and filter.

First off some back ground, I've kept fish before. When I was a teenager I had a 29 gallon, 10 gallon, plus a few smaller 3-4 gallon Betta tanks. I love Betta and really want one in my new community tank.I currently have a tank but can't set it up until I move. I anticipate on moving in February and I really don't want to setup a tank and have to move it 2-3 months later. I however will be setting up a planted 3-5 gallon Betta tank in the mean time.

Here's what I have right now

1. 50 Gallon 4ft long tank
2. two HJC-752 filters capable of 155 gallons p/h each (300 gallons total)
3. 1 75 watt heater plus two smaller 6 watt heaters

What I want

1. A planted tank, dirted (easy to keep plants)
2. Community tank with a Beta fish

My next purchases:

1. Lights
2. Extra filter adding another 200 gallons per hour.
3. Back up heater (think I'll purchase a 30-40 watt heater.

I would like my fish to be on the large side of things, I don't really want Neon Tetras or something like that. Think the size of Betas or sword tails etc. I love the character of tiger barbs as well but don't think they'd work with a beta in a tank.

So here's my plan:

1. Start off with 5 sword tails
2. After cycle add in one betta
3. A month later add 4 cories
4. A month later add 5 mollies

OR maybe:
1. 5 Swords cycle
2. After one month 5 platies
3. Add 8 tiger barbs.

Slightly over stocked, however I think with good filtering system it should be fine.
I don't think either would be overstocked, until the fry start coming. :hey:
I actually have a deal with a local pet store which said it will give me store credit for any fry I donate to them once they fry has matured :) So my stocking levels are fine then?

Thinking if I get enough it'll help to the purchase of a 125 gallon tank :)
Yeah, you could stock more in either scenario, if you wanted. Good luck on the 125!
6+ would be better and would fit in very well. Don't forget to feed them though, as they may not get enough leftovers to thrive. 6-10 kuhli loaches would work well to, and carry the tiger theme a little bit further.
I think I'd perfer Corys so here's the stock listing:

5 Swords
5 Platies
8 Tiger Barbs
6 Cory

The platies and swordtails will interbreed and giving them to the petstore is no good. Swordail males can kill each other so you need another tank to separate mature males.
Just to put yet another downer on things, tiger barbs are too aggressive for cories.

I would go for five banded barbs instead; very similar looking fish, but much less trouble.
I love my five banded barbs but they're still babies

Why wouldn't a store take hybrid fry? I saw some koi platy that I swear had to be a swordtail hybrids at a chain fishstore
I love my five banded barbs but they're still babies

Why wouldn't a store take hybrid fry? I saw some koi platy that I swear had to be a swordtail hybrids at a chain fishstore

Swordails and platies have been interbred many times to achieve the desired features we see now but they still look different.
And even if the shop takes them, what are you going to sell them for, swordtails or platies? Because when they grow they look different and I certainly wouldn't want to buy a swordtail and end up with a fat platy. Or buy a platy mail and end up with a late developing swortail. The point is that if they get a complaint, which may or may not happen, the shop won't get more fish from you and people breeding and selling fish should have some level of responsibility too.
Why do a fish-in cycle and have to go through the hassle of regular water changes and possibly losing fish? Why not do a fishless cycle and then be able to add all the fish in one go safely?
The platies and swordtails will interbreed and giving them to the petstore is no good. Swordail males can kill each other so you need another tank to separate mature males.

Ok I can remove the platies and replace them with something else, what would you suggest?

And banded barbs look great.

If I'm going get banded barbs why not just put a Betta in the tank?
What about this setup:

1 Redtail Shark
10 Tiger Barbs
6 Blue Gourami

I figure the size of the Blue Gourami will protect itself from the Tiger Barbs/Red Tail

What do you think?

O yes I'll be doing a fish less cycle. After the cycle add all the fish or add slowly?

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