Pregnant Platy

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Apr 20, 2012
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Hi guys,

I have bread platies before, but it was a long time ago.

I have got the mother into a nursery tank with as little disruption as possible. The male was beginning to harras her and chase her around so i thought this was a nice early time to get her away. Is this the best time?

My one question is, now i have her in the nursery, she has dropped what can only be described as ' tiny white stones'... Does this mean she has aborted the birth? or is this normal

Thanks in advance,

Kev B
It could be she's aborted due to stress, though sometimes they pass unfertilised eggs.
Is she in a separate tank or a breeder trap?
Thanks for the swift reply

She is in a breeder trap. I no it isnt the ideal way to do it, but its all i have at my disposal at the moment...

She is huge and has all the signs that others have put in previous threads... I know it can be a hit and miss business some times
Tbh when I had livebearers, I left them in the main tank & netted the fry or used a turkey baster to save them.
Some people use traps with no problem, others find it stresses the female too much.
If she looks really stressed then it may be best to return her to the main tank, if it has plenty of hiding places then a lot of the fry will survive
I think she has dropped a few times before, but with none surviving. Its a huge tank with quite a few hiding places, but with no joy...

Thats why iv tried to do something about it this time around.

Thanks for the advice, i may give up, just thought id give it a try as iv managed to do it before in my old tank. I'll leave her for a while, but if nothing happens then i will return her to the tank and play it by ear.
Here are some shots of the tank


Nice tank but for fry to survive you need lots of plants, java moss or something similar, & tbh she doesn't look like she's ready to drop fry
I imagine the angels have been feasting on them
when did this happen, there is no way she has fully aborted, she is still way to squared off to have aborted all, if any.. are you sure she has aborted?
If she had aborted completely, then she would be a lot less robusk

Ps. i see you have one of the larger breeding traps :good:

There is adequete room in there for her as long has you have not got the middle divider in, if u have take it out so she got the full trap and not just one section, she will be fine in there for a day or so.
Can you get a pic of these aborted eggs? im just curious thats all cos of her size still.
Hi, thanks also for the reply... Not im not sure she has aborted, just wondered if that were the case... I'll take one now

Please excuse what appears to be a mess on the bottom of tank... My dad used it a long while ago and some flake fused to the bottom, i gave it a good scrub and then washed it with tank water but it wouldnt budge. So its not causing any problems...

Yes, she has full roam of the top section.

There are a few more of these white objects on the other side too

Plus, the birth tube is open
She has also just done what appears to be a poo followed by an air pouch...


Didnt know if this was relevant, i thought she was giving birth, but not unfortunately....
thats not a abortion mate she is still well and truely pregnant :)
If she had aborted they would be quite a lot of eggs, plus she would be thin and not so robusk..
Aborted eggs look like a small almost prefect round piece of clear jelly with a black dot in it (the eyes) this is not the case here, i can assure that she has not aborted.
5Teady is right, she has not aborted at all :) She has squared off though, i would say expect within the next couple of days :)

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