Pregnant Or Not?

The December FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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Fish Aficionado
Jun 23, 2004
Reaction score
Banchory, Aberdeenshire
The wife asked me to post this. One of the kids new Platys looks fatter than the rest, could it be pregnant?
Any ideas how far gone if it is?
Well it is a female. (Her anal fin is fan shaped, indicating she is a female, a male will have a stick like anal fin called a Gonopodium (sp?))
Have you had her for less than a month or do you have her in with male Platys?
Also, she isn't very far gone. Why use the word gone? Thats so depressing :p
I'd say she is maybe a week or two into a 4 week pregnancy. She isn't very large and she certainly isn't squared off yet.

(In fact she looks almost like she just ate too much. But if she doesnt return to normal size in the next 4 hours you can assume she's pregnant.)
yes SHE is pregnant do you even no how to sex livebeares?????
Why would I need/want to? As stated these are not my fish (I have a marine reef getting set up).

The wife and kids got 5 Platys (1m 4f) on Friday and that one has been the same size since we saw it in the LFS.

If (ands it's a big if) any fry survive to adulthood they will be moved into the wife's 260 litre African Clawed Frog tank so there's no problem with overstocking this small tank.
What's with the attitude?

I asked a simple question (the fact I asked if the fish was pregnant should have given you an idea that I knew it was female) but because I didn't reference the fish as 'she' you decide to get stroppy.

Sorry I don't give my fish names, call them he or she or give them human attributes but they are fish pure and simple. Don't get me wrong, I care for my fish as I would one of the cats but I don't get emotionally attached to them like a child (even if they were my fish in the first place).
Well 'she' gave birth yesterday, 3 days after being put in the kids tank. Looks like 2 of the other females may be pregnant too.

Hopefully not too many will survive as we don't want to overstock this tank and the 260l african clawed frog tank isn't quite ready for inhabitants yet.
well congats, if you dont want more babies keep all females you will have more but not forever or keep all boys
We're quite happy for them to breed as it provides food for the dwarf frogs and the African clawed frogs in the other tank (which is now almost finished). If there is any surplus there's a little LFS in the town that may take them or they'll be given away free to whoever wants them.

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