Pregnant Dalmation Molly?


New Member
Oct 5, 2012
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Hi. I have had my Dalmatian for about 3 months now and she was pregnant when i got her, gave birth, and all fry died. I think she may be pregnant again but i cant find a gravid spot because of her coloring. I noticed her getting a little bossy with my male molly and pushing him away from my plecostomus' algae tablet. She definitely looks big but I'm not sure if she's pregnant or just fat. Please help :)

She is definitely pregnant! When her belly looks almost flat at the bottom, she is very near giving birth. It's called 'squaring off' because she will look like a little swimming cube. If you are putting her in a breeding trap, put her in when you notice the squared belly. She doesn't look to far from birth to me! Good Luck! :good:
Thanks guys! I'm going to put her in the breeder box ASAP :)
everything's going okay so far. Mama (Dalmatian molly) is in her breeder trap/nursery thing and has been doing pretty good considering lol. she hasn't had any babies yet but im hoping soon! one thing i did notice last night though is that she is pooping more than she usually does. does this have anything to do with her pregnancy? thanks :)
everything's going okay so far. Mama (Dalmatian molly) is in her breeder trap/nursery thing and has been doing pretty good considering lol. she hasn't had any babies yet but im hoping soon! one thing i did notice last night though is that she is pooping more than she usually does. does this have anything to do with her pregnancy? thanks :)

I would take the poor fish out of that breeder box. The breeder traps are not intended to keep pregnant fish for days.
Buy two big bushy silk plants and put them at the opposite sides of the tank. Molly babies are so big they barely get eaten by anything. She is pregnant, but the anal area is still up intact, so not giving the fish a square look and maybe not be ready at all yet.
Well, I took Mama out of the breeder trap and decided I would put her back in right before she has the babies, as long as I'm awake lol.. But one thing I did notice is she is a lot more skittish. If you touch the outside of the tank by her, she freaks and swims away.
She is probably stressed from being in the breeder box.
So I'm wondering if maybe something else is wrong with my Dalmatian molly. She is still fat but for the last week or so she kind of swims funny. She swims on her side, upside down, face down, it's weird... She is still bloated looking but poops a lot. I also noticed her poop has some little areas of white in it. Almost like a clear-ish white. She has been bloated for about 1-2 months now. Thanks guys
Also meant to add, she rubs up on stuff sometimes, like she's scratching. When she does do it, she does it multiple times not just once. She has been pooping a lot more than usual also she is staying towards the bottom of the tank and sometimes at the top or in the corner..still pooping a lot...not sure really what to think. I'll post a pic soon
Gosh, she has squared off... she is very very close to giving birth now, keep an eye on her

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