Dancing frogbit! A worry I had using a 3000 lit/hr powerhead was that the frogbit would be blasted around the tank, but no! If set up to hit a central bit of decor you can create a gyre-type movement of current allowing the frogbit to circulate...
I wanted to create a 'little' extra current for my xantusi's and they seem to enjoy moving in and out of the curent it creates. When switched on in this position it also re-suspends fallen food etc so allowing a comprehensive clear out, as the fish finish the meal off - I can also get in there and take out any excess rubbish.
This was only 11 quid on ebay (320803472604) which was so much cheaper than others were selling it!

I wanted to create a 'little' extra current for my xantusi's and they seem to enjoy moving in and out of the curent it creates. When switched on in this position it also re-suspends fallen food etc so allowing a comprehensive clear out, as the fish finish the meal off - I can also get in there and take out any excess rubbish.
This was only 11 quid on ebay (320803472604) which was so much cheaper than others were selling it!