Pothos Plant And Nitrates


Jun 2, 2016
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So I went to town today and got a Pothos plant...not sure of the spelling on that....rinsed its roots really really good and made a place for its roots to hang into the tank.
Now...I can honestly say that I am not sure I like the looks of that.  If it were a river themed tank it would be perfect but it is not. And I don't want to change everything over to something like that.  It might grow on me, but for now, I do not like it. But if it will remove the excess nitrates I can deal with it. At least until I can get some plants that I know will grow and help suck up the nitrates.  Now, if the fish start liking the roots, I might leave it there. I like to watch happy fish.
As I said I rinsed it out really good but I still put my diatom filter to work just in case I missed something or in case I could not see something.  I love that diatom filter. It cleans the water like nothing I have ever seen before.  But since many a Betta has been kept in a vase with the roots of this plant growing in the water I can't see that it would cause any harm. But as I said, in case I missed something in the roots, I have the diatom filter working to clean up the water.
Anyway, I will keep an eye on the nitrate levels and, if indeed this does work, I will be sure and post that it does.   
Actually, Bettas are harmed in a vase with this plant but it's not the plant's fault. Bettas don't eat plants and people usually don't feed them in these things(not to mention they need heated and filtered water). The betta is so hungry it probably nibbles but it won't last long. It's a horrible way to keep a betta. Anyway, just wanted to say that!! The plant isn't bad for tanks though!
The plant is great for the tank. It filters the water. I have them in all my tanks and the fish are so happy, nitrates, ammonia, etc are always 0
Just for the record I do not and never have had a betta in vase with a plant!!!! LOL
I think that I want one in the 75 when I get it set up.  I am doing a background now and it will be more river-y looking
That's good!! I just thought of adding it in there in case newer people read that and think it's a good idea(keeping Bettas in vases that is!). Those things used to be sold all over! Hope you get the pothos sorted out. I bet it will look cool!
Pathos plants are really pretty, a light green/yellow mixed with a pure green. if its on the tank it can look like its meant to be there, or it can look ugly. its a medium growth rate plant (from my experience) and has long roots over time. making a good hiding spot for fish, in this case, and also. The fish help the plant grow! with the fishes external waste... it can enhance growth, and of course the plant also helps the water DRAMATICLY *this plant is good for that*.
Good luck!
I think Anacharis or other aquatic plants would be more practical. Be advised that Protos plants are toxic to cats and dogs although it will likely just make them very sick.
No cat or dog will ever be near the top of my aquarium, so that is not a issue with me
I have anacharis in my tank and it is my fastest growing plant.  In a pot I also have a Pothos plant (not in the aquarium).  If the Pothos plant doesn't work for  you try Anacharis, it doesn't care if it is floating or rooted in the substrate.  If floating it will eventually root itself.  I would be interested in knowing how it goes
I have some Anacharis, I have had a couple of times. The black algae killed the first ones I had. The ones I have now seem to be doing better than the others. But they aren't helping with the nitrates. Maybe I just don't have enough of them

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