Yes, all of my guppies are fast moving and my betta could not care less about them. He/she is always in her/his own world wrapping itself around the plants and thermometer in my tank. I was told this before and I was considering of re-homing the betta but she/he is REALLY calm. That is all of the sections there is so the C02 OR CO3 is the ammonia. I did a approximate 25% water change yesterday and I am just going to do another test today.
I purchased and set up the tank on 30/7/12 although I have some live plants in there and thwy were not in there from the start I added them last week. I purchased my fish on 1/8/12. I have gravel in my tank if you need to know.
My guppy is still swimming, also recently my fish tank has had little spots of white stuff on the glass. I keep cleaning it off but it keeps coming back, there is also some on the gravel. I thought it is because sometimes the fish nip at the gravel and glass. Also if you would like a photo I have provided a link for it. I have 2 breeding tanks when I used to have a female guppy and platy, would he have a better chance at feeling if I put him in there? I have been putting mediaction in which works for fungus, finrot and to get rid of bacteria.
I will try and do a larger water change tonight.