possibly fin rot but probably not??


New Member
Apr 1, 2017
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I have a male half moon betta fish named Thomas Jefferson and last week he appeared to have a small break or cut in his fins, and I noticed that it had already started healing, so I ignored it. Today, when I came home, the cut seemed to look fine, but after I went to the store and got back, his fins were extremely tattered. I'm pretty sure fin rot doesn't act that fast but the tips have a tint of red at the end.
I just got Thomas two weeks ago. I do water changes twice a week, and his behavior is perfectly normal.
I also recently added two almond/catappa leaves to help control the pH and calm down Thomas. He lives with a snail in a 5 gallon tank.
I suspect that if it's not fin rot, it must be because Thomas LOVES to squeeze through tight spaces. He always tries to squeeze himself in between my decor dragon's tail and the substrate, which I would stop him from doing, but he probably does it all the time when I'm not looking.
He could also be biting his tail, and if he is, I have no idea as to how to fix that. I've seen him swimming in circles looking at his fins but I've never seen him actually biting his fins. I'm constantly away at school or at a concert and I only have about 6 hours a day with him (weekdays). I don't want his tail to be destroyed, he's a really beautiful fish and I'd hate for him to suffer like that.
Right now, I just covered all holes he could possibly squeeze through. I still don't know how to fix his tail biting (if possible) but I already know how to treat fin rot (which he probably doesn't have).
My water parameters are perfect, and the pH is gradually lowering due to my addition of almond leaves.
He hasn't displayed any symptoms of aggression, and he was just added into the tank, so I'm not sure if it's boredom.
I feed him two pellets of Aqueon Color Enhancing Betta Food every morning and every night. Oh, and I also have a bubbler.
Please respond soon, and if you have any tips, please offer them. I'm not a beginner but I'm also not an intermediate, fish owner skills wise.
Here are some pictures of my situation (if you think the tank isn't five gallons, it's because I'm just taking my sister's words for it since she gave me the tank):
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