Possible Swimbladder?


Fish Crazy
May 28, 2014
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I noticed during the night that a black phantom tetra was swimming on it's back then its side then would swim normals for a few seconds,and it is still doing the same this morning,is this swimbladder? is there any treatment i can do for the fish or is it dying as the other small fish are nipping trying to eat at it.
The fish died 5 minutes after i had put the thread on :(
I didnt think it would last to long,will just need to keep an eye on the other fishies,thanks anyway :)
Maybe feed them some shelled peas. I think sometimes if there is too much pressure on the swim bladder that can cause it.
So do you think i should give them a drop off peas now or would that do them harm,and what type of peas do you give them
Peas wont hurt them at all. :) Just warm up some frozen peas in the microwave and let them cool.  Then pop them out of their shells and put them in.  I usually break them up a little from their because I have small fish. 
thanks bluesword,i must remember that the next time i see ones swimming funny etc :)
Well it doesn't cure it, it's just to help relieve bloating or constipation in your fish. It's better to give it to them before, because it might not even do anything if there are already swimming funny. It may not even be that, but it is worth a try.
so do you think i should try and give them some peas tomorrow just to see how it goes for them?
Sure, it can't hurt them :) but some fish might not like it. Take it out if it isn't eaten
ok will do,am only going to maybe put 2-3 in but il cut them into pieces,so does it have to be frozen peas done in a microwave etc then skin removed?
Or they can be fresh peas, just soften them up in water for a few minutes and take them out of their shells. 

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