Possible Flexibactor? Sick Tiger


Fish Addict
Mar 1, 2010
Reaction score
Between Swindon and Newbury
We have a new tiger in the tank and a week after buying him he seems to have a white patch by his eye with some redness around it. We have moved it to the small hospital tank and my wife is going to the fish shop to collect what ever medication it needs however it would be nice to have some idea what it is :)

The Web articles which have lead me to wonder if it is Flexibacter are: the original listing: http://www.plantedta...sh-Diseases/13/ lead to a detailed article: http://www.flippersa...flexibacter.htm where there are some striking similarities to the condition (white fluffy look with a red zone around it) however this is the first time that we've had to deal with any diseases - usually they're just dead with no obvious injury or spots etc.

I have some pictures taken last night

Are we in the right area or is there something else?


It looks to me like some sort of 'fungus', possibly a secondary infection on a wound?

Any anti fungal should sort it out, or a course of Myxazin usually helps with these sorts of problems.

Best of luck!
Without a sample under a microscope it's almost impossible to be sure, but most anti fungal meds will work for flexibacter as well, although I'd try Myxazin if you can get it, it's the best med for any problem that might be bacterial, IME.
OK, Caroline came back with JBL (the local shop majors on JBL) Ektol which treats both Flexi and Fungus. The filter which we have is new (though I could "sacrifice" some media from the existing cycled filter in the main tank). If we don't put any media into the new filter for the hospital tank we will be controlling the chemistry using water changes - how do we control the dose? The dosing instructions are day 1, 3 and 5 so I assume we can't just top up any water removed with a constant level of medication so how do we do it? Or do we need to sort the bio filter out so that we're not messing around with water changes?


PS I'll sort some Myazin for the cupboard for next time :)
I'd put some media from the main tank in the hospaital tank's filter; you don't want ammonia problems on top of everything else!

If you're just treating that one tiger, you won't need much media; you'll have to try and work out what % to take (so, if you have 10 tigers in the main tank, you'd need a tenth of the media),

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