Poorly platy


New Member
Aug 6, 2023
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Grimsby, UK
I made a post last week as I noticed my platy acting odd in the main tank. Noticed the other male chasing him and he was lying on the bottom or upright and hiding. When I moved him to his own small tank I noticed a red wound on him I assumed he had been nipped. After a day in his own tank he perked up swimming happily eating well. He's been in it a week and I thought about moving him into the big tank again but when doing water changes I saw his wound hadn't heeled I decided to keep him in there longer and used some aquarium salt and previously melafix. This morning he was happy swimming up to eat. Tonight he's took a huge plummet and looks so poorly. He's swimming on his side. Upside down looking like one side of his body isn't working. Is this swim bladder? He acted similar to this when I first moved him out but then had been fine ever since now tonight he looks really unwell. What can I do. I've also posted his red wound to check what you guys think it is incase this is still what is making him ill


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I made a post last week as I noticed my platy acting odd in the main tank. Noticed the other male chasing him and he was lying on the bottom or upright and hiding. When I moved him to his own small tank I noticed a red wound on him I assumed he had been nipped. After a day in his own tank he perked up swimming happily eating well. He's been in it a week and I thought about moving him into the big tank again but when doing water changes I saw his wound hadn't heeled I decided to keep him in there longer and used some aquarium salt and previously melafix. This morning he was happy swimming up to eat. Tonight he's took a huge plummet and looks so poorly. He's swimming on his side. Upside down looking like one side of his body isn't working. Is this swim bladder? He acted similar to this when I first moved him out but then had been fine ever since now tonight he looks really unwell. What can I do. I've also posted his red wound to check what you guys think it is incase this is still what is making him ill
based on your story i think it is a water quality issue, also because the water seems to be murky. perhaps something crashed.
I would recommend getting melafix out of the tank as it can murk up the water, and only use aquarium salt.
change around 50% of the water every day
It only turned murky after adding the aquarium salt ? I have done a 50 percent water change today as I wasn't sure if the water was supposed to look so cloudy after adding aquarium salt.
It only turned murky after adding the aquarium salt ? I have done a 50 percent water change today as I wasn't sure if the water was supposed to look so cloudy after adding aquarium salt.
ohh i see the problem why now. You added aquarium salt directly which will cause the fish to lose balance.
it is best to add it to the new water going in the tank, so the fish isnt shocked
Hi thanks for your help.

I took the fish into to do water change as its only small tank I topped the tank up then removed a jug full of water to add the aquarium salt to. I left it to dissolve then poured it in but you're right some of it hadn't dissolved so I left it in the tank for about 10 minutes and stirred it before returning my platy. Could this be the reason
I did do another water change keeping him in the tank of about 35 40 percent just to stop the cloudiness but unfortunately he passed last night. I knew he wasn't looking good. He was basically swimming upside down. What could have caused this. 😕 although he had that opened wound he has perked up this week. He had been eating really well
Fish Tuberculosis did not kill the fish.

What is the ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and pH of the water?
What sort of salt did you add to the tank?

Salt does not normally make the water go a milky cloudy colour regardless of how you add it to the tank. Milky cloudy water is usually caused by bacteria eating rotting fish food and a filter that hasn't established.

The fish might have had an infection in the wound that killed it.
The salt might have had some sort of contaminant in it.
The water might have gone off (ammonia, nitrite or high nitrate).
Tested the water it was within the right limits on the colour charts. It was aquarium salt I added. He had been on and off for a week with the wound. I'm assuming it was aggression but what if it was ulcer similar to that mentioned in the screenshot. Plus he was wobbly more so last night but had been prior to adding the salt. He was also very bent

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