Poor Rummynose Tetras :(


Fish Fanatic
Dec 30, 2011
Reaction score
Tank size: 180litres
pH: 7.4
ammonia: 0ppm
nitrite: 0ppm
nitrate: 20ppm
tank temp: 26c

Fish Symptoms: I currently have 20 rummynose tetras, they all appear to be eating well and are active. I noticed today that bout 6 of them had lost some of the colour in their noses. On further inspection i noticed that the distal/anal fins (I think thats what the fin is called) on these 6 rummynose appear to be slightly torn. One of them has two white marks which I suspect is a fungusy type infection (but im not sure) :( ... Like I say they otherwise seem very healthy, they are not being picked on by any of the other fish. My water parameters have always been stable since my fishless cycle finished early February... never detected any ammonia or nitrite on my API master test kit and nitrate always less then 40ppm.

Volume and Frequency of water changes: Weekly 25% changes minimum.. normally more ..

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank: Added dose of API melafix and API pimafix today

Tank inhabitants: 2x Angelfish, 2x apistogramma vejeitas & 1 albino plec

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration): The tank has only been set up since xmas, fully cycled near the beginning of February and the fish added gradually since then :)...

Exposure to chemicals: None

Please can anyone confirm that I have done the right thing by treating with melafix & pimafix in the first instance?.. Sorry I've no photos, but if it doesn't improve in the next day or so, or gets any worse i'll attempt photos..
Yeah seems like you have done the right thing to me, if it is a fungal infection then melafix should sort it out pretty quick. :good: Plus its not going to do any harm to the fish even if there isn't actually anything wrong.
Good advice I once read was that any time you see something is not quite right with the behaviour or look of your fish, even if the tests come out OK do an immidiate 50% water change! There are other things that can go on in our tanks we can't test for and measure and there is nothing better for fresh water fish than fresh water!

Rummynose Tetras can lose their colour also when they think it is time to rest! I have observed mine late in the evening to just hover somewhere over the substrate and "sleep".

But in your case there could be something else going on if their fins are starting to look tattered and having white marks on them. It sounds at though you only had them since the beginning of February and they very likely could have been infected with something before they came to you!

Personally I would not add anything to the tank just yet and just do daily water changes to see if that could fix it!

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