Pool Filter Sand And Live Plants


New Member
Apr 21, 2013
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The rainy but beautiful Pacific Northwest
I'm starting up a 46 gallon bow front and I want to use Pool filter sand, I currently have a 30 gallon tank with CaribSea gravel that is really small but I don't have a lot of experience with sand. Ideally, I would like to have live plants. My question is, should I put down a layer of something with plant fertilizer and then the sand on top of that ?  In my thirty gallon I only have the gravel and those plants seem to be doing just fine with the occasional fertilizer tablets. I don't plan on using any difficult to grow plants. I also plan on have cichlids but I can't decide on what kind yet.
Depends on the type of cichlid, you most likely won't be able to have most live plants.

It would depend on the plants you wanted to whether or not you would need a fertiliser soil, some plants are root feeders and the soil would help them grow better. Most plants will however appreciate some ferts in the soil.
Haha, that's my other problem.
  I can't decide on whether I want african or new world cichlids. I've never had an african tank and I have been researching the many, many, different types of african cichlids. I've even posted African cichlid forums.
I've owned South American cichlids and I really like firemouth cichlids and the blue Acara is one of my most favorite. But I think I want to try something a little different. In my thirty gallon, I have a blue ram, and two blue apistos, along with the usual dither fish like rummy nose tetras and some platys. Oh well, I'll eventually come to a decision. Thanks for your help.

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