has anyone got any ideas on how to get hold of 120cm by 55cm by 25cm polystyrene? this is apart from going to b&q or wickes. ebay do bits but i want to make one 4 foot back ground. thanks
Generally what I've seen is several sheets stuck together, often cut in layers and then built up in layers. Thickest I've seen is about 2 inches of plain polystyrene.
Hi All,
A good way to cut polystyrene is with a piece of fine wire and a battery, connect the wire across the battery terminals, current flows, the wire gets hot, and melts/cuts tho' the poly!! to give you a nice finish, an old tip from my model making days. The battery only needs to be say 4x AA's the wire perhaps a single strand from some multi-stranded cable or bit of an old fire/HEATER element, etc.
I beg to differ, my local builders merchants are actually £1.50 more expensive per sheet but I don't think price was even an issue with this thread, more the size.
I made a 3D background using this method, I got the Polystyrene from B&Q but I saw some in black, it was in a pck so had to buy it that way but it's there for if I decide to do another tank with it.
I cut it to size by using a wallpaper scaper heated up on the stove, went through it like a hot knife in butter.
Then using the hot scaper I made marks and dents in it to make it look like rock, the effect was very good.
I've had a few nice comments on it from people who have seen it so it must be OK.
I used aquarium sealent to stick to the back of the tank by the way, and I also cut out a space for the heater and pump so they could still stick to the tank wall.