Polystyrene Under Fish Tank


Fish Fanatic
Aug 16, 2013
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So i just wanted to know how thick is two thick ? I set up my tank with out the polystyrene under fish tank and it cracked. So i have repaired it and have now rang up my local building mecent and they have only got 2inch thick polystyrene in stock. Im just wondering if that is two thick ? I read some were the thicker the better. But then i have also read that the thick stuff will be to furm and stiff.
I'm not sure that there's a right answer to this one. You need enough to iron out any imperfections in the surface and to stop small bits of grit digging into the base of the tank.
If the stand isn't sound and level then polystyrene isn't going to solve that problem, if it is then you could probably get away with far more than you're talking about.
My 65 gall is on what looks like 2 inch poly, although I'll admit to having not measured it.
how big is your tank ?
for most tanks I would say 1" is fine - wickes do giant pieces of this (25mm) for a fiver - you might have to cut it roughly there to get it your car though !!
My local bulding burchent sold me a 2inch one for £7 delivered. the tank is a common 6ft tank so 6 x 2 x 2. The spirt level says its level but it seems has if the stand is higher at the back than the front...

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