I have a 55 gal tank that is established and has been for almost 7 months. I had 2 cycled aqua clear filters which i use for this tank. In this tank I have about 25 Neons, 5 Glofish Danio and 10 Glofish Tetra, and 5 peppered cory cats.
I left a lot of things automated and my mom does the daily maintenance while i am at college. She does a 40% water change every week and there has been no problems. I came home for spring break and realized a good amount of algae on the tank and decided to buy an algae eater. I decided on a small 2 inch bristlenose pleco. He seemed fine on the large pieces of drift wood and in the darkness and then after 2 days i saw that he was dead in the corner. I immediately checked the parameters of the water then they were fine. Ammonia-0 Nitrite-0 Nitrate-10. I have never had any problems with fish like that so i thought he might've been sick before i got him. I proceeded to buy a royal pleco from a different LFS and the same thing happened 2 days later. I checked the water parameters and they were the same. I have no idea what happened and looking for any advice
I left a lot of things automated and my mom does the daily maintenance while i am at college. She does a 40% water change every week and there has been no problems. I came home for spring break and realized a good amount of algae on the tank and decided to buy an algae eater. I decided on a small 2 inch bristlenose pleco. He seemed fine on the large pieces of drift wood and in the darkness and then after 2 days i saw that he was dead in the corner. I immediately checked the parameters of the water then they were fine. Ammonia-0 Nitrite-0 Nitrate-10. I have never had any problems with fish like that so i thought he might've been sick before i got him. I proceeded to buy a royal pleco from a different LFS and the same thing happened 2 days later. I checked the water parameters and they were the same. I have no idea what happened and looking for any advice