Pleco question


Fish Crazy
Jul 27, 2003
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Im looking for a pleco that will only get to be about 4" and "better looking than a common Plec...any ideas? I tried looking on the 'net earlier and didnt have very much luck......thanx.
I have whats called a stingray pleco (or atlest that's what the store called it). The owner said they are also called pearl plecos. They grow 2 or 3 inches max but they don't look like your normal pleco. They have long, wide fins like a stingray and spend ALL thier time on glass or flat rocks.
The zebra pleco is a very nice looking pleco. Stays small around 4 inches give or take an inch. Its also one of the more expensive. It runs around 70 bucks here in the states.
KnuckleHead said:
The zebra pleco is a very nice looking pleco. Stays small around 4 inches give or take an inch. Its also one of the more expensive. It runs around 70 bucks here in the states.
It doesn't eat algae, however - in fact, it is very difficult and needs things like live food regularly. It's mainly a carnivore.
kevy said:
I have whats called a stingray pleco (or atlest that's what the store called it). The owner said they are also called pearl plecos. They grow 2 or 3 inches max but they don't look like your normal pleco. They have long, wide fins like a stingray and spend ALL thier time on glass or flat rocks.
"Stingray pleco" is a common name for a Hillstream loach Beaufortia kweichowensis, which isn't actually a pleco at all. Hillstream loaches are actually cold water fish and like good water movement and plenty of oxygen. They can apparently live for a short while in tropical temperatures, but the low oxygen in warm water will eventually affect their health.

Here's a profile for your interest.

Fortunately, it appears they're a dwarf variety of Hillstream loach - I've seen other varieties that grow to a foot long!

The moral of the story is: Always get the Scientific ( "Latin" ) name of your fish before buying.
How about a bristlenose - ugly to the point of being cute - eats algae (if you're lucky :) ) and lives peacefully with practically anything.

Oh - and only grows to about 4"
Thank-you for the link Anna...I like them but I dont have enogh room for 3 of them in my tank....bummer. So I think Im just going to put some snails in there to deal with the algea...(I think im going to have about 50 ramshorn snails running around my 55gal soon)
yeah snails breed awfully quickly...

try some otto cats, or if your looking for a good algea eating pleco...try a Pario-Ancistrus plecostomus, they onyl grow and inch, eat algea and are peacefull. theyre fairly expensive though...50$ in the seems to me the smaller the pleco, the more expensive...

edit: i goofed...i read the nimbers worng...they grow a foot.... insteadt try a specially bred pleco... theyre hard to find, but if your lucky enough the find htem...theyre great but pricy
could try clown plecs! or L307 Chocolate zebra plecs. mmmm i disagree with the remark about none of the plecs are " pretty" personally i hate guppies lol oh sheesh my sense of somewhat funny humor is leaking again lol
Hi Braddah- Have you seen the little "golden algae eaters"? I don't have a pic, but they are fairly common at pet stores, and only get to be a few inches long. If you are looking for something that eats algae, and not specifically a plec, you may want to check it out...hope this helps!
catfishlove said:
Hi Braddah- Have you seen the little "golden algae eaters"? I don't have a pic, but they are fairly common at pet stores, and only get to be a few inches long. If you are looking for something that eats algae, and not specifically a plec, you may want to check it out...hope this helps!
"Golden algae eaters"? I believe they are the golden morph of the Chinese Algae Eater (aka "Chinese sucking loach", "Indian Algae Eater", "Golden Sucking Loach" )

In which case
1. They can grow to 11" long.
2. They are terrible community fish - very aggressive, territorial loners.
3. They only eat algae as babies.

Perhaps you could get us the Scientific/Latin name of these fish next time you're in your LFS, just to check my suspicions? Because if I'm right, they're being mis-sold.
Sorry if I gave mis-information......I have had these fish in the past (sold to me as "golden algae eaters) and they have been great community fish, and only grew to about an inch or an inch and a half. Next time I am at the fish store I will look to find their proper name.....
catfishlove said:
Sorry if I gave mis-information......I have had these fish in the past (sold to me as "golden algae eaters) and they have been great community fish, and only grew to about an inch or an inch and a half. Next time I am at the fish store I will look to find their proper name.....
Sounds more like ottos to me - they have a golden form as well as the usual striped form. If you can find out I'd be grateful because you know how many newbies I come across with a vicious CAE ripping through their tank.

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