Plec Question

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Feb 28, 2012
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my bristle nose plec is 7yrs old now and has been fed a combination of floating wafers, occasional veggies mostly cucumber and courgette. i tried him on some carrot the other night and he didn't touch it, tried a spinach leaf the night after still nothing. i was worried he wasn't eating and was poorly so went back to the wafers and he seemed to eat it straight away. Any ideas i do have some frozen bloodworm for my tetras would he like that, i know they are veggies but i read somewhere that they like eating them occasionally?
All my plecs like the ocassional feed of bloodworms; once a week is fine.

If he's not used to being fed veggies, he might not recognise it as food. Keep on trying and he'll learn what it is :) None of mine will eat carrot, but they do like broccoli stalks (split open and cooked for a few minutes to soften), end slices of tomato (no seeds), apple and melon rinds.
Oh ok i thought he might think what the hell is that orange crap in my tank - thanks for the advice i will give him some worms tonight and then try a few different pieces over the next few days - thanks again

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