Please Share Ideas About My Platies


Fish Gatherer
Apr 24, 2012
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Symptoms: I had one coral blue platy who was clamping... she is now clamping less but isn't her happy self yet. Now I have a red wag also clamping.

Tankmates: I have a mickey mouse platy currently getting better from having a white patch on her tail. I have several platy fry.

Water: Nothing out of perfect, nitrates are at 10ish, temperature is 76c.

History: Two platies came down with ich and finished a course of treatment. The ich appears to have cleared. All 3 adults have occasional white stringy poos still. The mickey mouse had a white patch and I chose to use Pimafix for that after having done a large water change to rid the tank of the ich treatment that had just ended. That seems to be working and I am confident the tail issue is healing. But the blue and now red are just not happy and I don't know why not.
How large is large, because there would still be some residual medication left, unless you did a 100% change - same as with ammonia or nitrite.
It could be that the fish are still suffering from the medication (which is basically a poison at low strength). You could try putting some new  activated carbon in the filter, that will remove the medication completely.
I did a change of nearly all the water, maybe an inch was left.

The blue platy was clamping at the same time as the ich was diagnosed, then it eased as the ich spots disappeared. But then come about 1 1/2 days before the big water change the blue platy was clamping again. After the change I added pimafix which seems to be helping the Mickey Mouse heal, and the blue platy looks about half better... but, the red platy is now clamping same as the blue had been doing before. None of the platy fry are affected by anything.

I have added an airstone at the moment to see if that helps or soothes.

I will have a look as I think I still have a carbon pack somewhere.
Having some trouble deciding how my platies are feeling this morning. From across the room I can see the two of them are semi clamped up and occasionally swimming near where the water spout is. But the moment they notice me seeing them they unclamp and come to the front of the tank to see me.
So.... nothing has changed. I have to still observe my platies from across the room to see their behavior. 2 still often clamping and unhappy. Occasional stringy poop. No sign of ich returning so I am assuming it isn't that. I am considering using medication but am at a loss as to what it could be. Water stats continue to be exactly normal... there are no visible irritants floating in the water.

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