Fish Gatherer
Symptoms: I had one coral blue platy who was clamping... she is now clamping less but isn't her happy self yet. Now I have a red wag also clamping.
Tankmates: I have a mickey mouse platy currently getting better from having a white patch on her tail. I have several platy fry.
Water: Nothing out of perfect, nitrates are at 10ish, temperature is 76c.
History: Two platies came down with ich and finished a course of treatment. The ich appears to have cleared. All 3 adults have occasional white stringy poos still. The mickey mouse had a white patch and I chose to use Pimafix for that after having done a large water change to rid the tank of the ich treatment that had just ended. That seems to be working and I am confident the tail issue is healing. But the blue and now red are just not happy and I don't know why not.
Tankmates: I have a mickey mouse platy currently getting better from having a white patch on her tail. I have several platy fry.
Water: Nothing out of perfect, nitrates are at 10ish, temperature is 76c.
History: Two platies came down with ich and finished a course of treatment. The ich appears to have cleared. All 3 adults have occasional white stringy poos still. The mickey mouse had a white patch and I chose to use Pimafix for that after having done a large water change to rid the tank of the ich treatment that had just ended. That seems to be working and I am confident the tail issue is healing. But the blue and now red are just not happy and I don't know why not.