Please help !!!!

Any way to catch him with a net and gently remove the rock using your fingers or tweezers (properly sanitized!)?
bunny said:
Any way to catch him with a net and gently remove the rock using your fingers or tweezers (properly sanitized!)?
i caught him and tried to lightly squeeze him but no luck i might try and ues a tweezers how long can i take him out of the water for
id' keep him submerged for most of the time rather than taking him out of the water completely (which is stressful for them). Use a net to bring him close to the surface, maybe get someone to hold the net for you while you use tweezers to try and take it out.
well i got it out last night...but i think he had it in for to long because his mouth stayed open and he couldnt close it i think his jaw is broken. when i came home from work today he was laying on the bottom of the tank and the whole front part of this mouth from the tip to his eyes is white i know he is dieing so i took him out and put him in a tupperware bowl to live out his last hours also he wont eat so i know he is pretty much gone :byebye: :byebye: :byebye: :( :/ :no: what can i do to stop him from suffering i know this sounds crule but how can i kill him insted of watching hid die slowly? :byebye:

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