Hello everyone!
Wish I had a happier tale to tell but currently having a problem with my tank! I've had the tank for a year now and never really had any problems until recently! In the last two weeks I've lost 4 fish! Platy was the first one to go with no real symptoms of been ill at all. Next was a new guppy I had for a day, but was stressed when I brought him home. Unfortunately yesterday I lost my fighting fish mo. He suddenly went down hill and couldn't see. Isolated him to another tank for treatment but he never made it. Also lost a neon tetra this morning. Now just looked in the tank and one of my guppies which I purchase on the weekend has a white bulging eye! Please help!
Tank peramiters are all fine, (just tested them again and nothings changed) I do regular water changes and have been cleaning all the ornaments on a regular baisis! The tank is 87Litre with 2 Cory cat fish, 3 neons, 3 platys and 3 guppies!
Many thanks!
Wish I had a happier tale to tell but currently having a problem with my tank! I've had the tank for a year now and never really had any problems until recently! In the last two weeks I've lost 4 fish! Platy was the first one to go with no real symptoms of been ill at all. Next was a new guppy I had for a day, but was stressed when I brought him home. Unfortunately yesterday I lost my fighting fish mo. He suddenly went down hill and couldn't see. Isolated him to another tank for treatment but he never made it. Also lost a neon tetra this morning. Now just looked in the tank and one of my guppies which I purchase on the weekend has a white bulging eye! Please help!
Tank peramiters are all fine, (just tested them again and nothings changed) I do regular water changes and have been cleaning all the ornaments on a regular baisis! The tank is 87Litre with 2 Cory cat fish, 3 neons, 3 platys and 3 guppies!
Many thanks!