I have done water changes 2 times daily, ( 50% ) added dechlorinator ( even tho my water has no chlorine in it ), nothing new has been added to the tank in 3 weeks, Tank has been up and running for almost 2 months now and my ammonia has spiked! For the last 4 days my ammonia has been testing at 8.0 ( API master test kit ). After doing water changes ( 50% ), I check my levels 1 - 2 hrs later and my ammonia is still at 8.0. My nitrites are 0.25 and my nitrAtes have a little orange tint to it. Ph is where it has always been ( 7.4 ) so I have no idea what more I can do now. I added Seachem Prime yesterday. Stocking is as follows...
9 Brilliant Rasbora
5 Pineapple Swordtail
4 Kuhli Loach
1 Golden Rainbow Shark ( currently he is 3" )
1 Red Wag Platy
In the past 2 days I have had 5 fish die : Spotted Pictus Cat, 1 Red Wag Platy, 1 Painted Swordtail, 1 Pineapple Swordtail, 1 Sunset Platy
Any idea what I can do to get my ammonia levels down?!
9 Brilliant Rasbora
5 Pineapple Swordtail
4 Kuhli Loach
1 Golden Rainbow Shark ( currently he is 3" )
1 Red Wag Platy
In the past 2 days I have had 5 fish die : Spotted Pictus Cat, 1 Red Wag Platy, 1 Painted Swordtail, 1 Pineapple Swordtail, 1 Sunset Platy
Any idea what I can do to get my ammonia levels down?!