Fish Crazy
My sailfin has been bloated for the best part of a week now, I haven't fed him/her in around 5 days and have been treating him/her with meds. He/she just looks to be getting bigger and bigger, I've never had a fish that didn't get better after about a week and he/she just seems to be getting worse. He/she is my favourite fish I have as I am a massive fan of plec's. This afternoon he/she swam to the top in behind a filter and I took some pic's - see link's. He/she has marks now where his/her skin is stretching and I am certain that it cant be comfortable for him/her. At one point he/she was unable to swim properly or stay low to the ground but in the past day or two we have made a small amount of progress and he/she can sit on the bottom without anchoring to something using the mouth. I need help urgently as I hate seeing any of my fish in distress and ill no matter wether they're big or small.
I know all this he/she stuff is annoying to read through but I'm no expert in plecs so I havent ascertained the sex of it yet and I dont know if males or females can have different diseases, infections etc. It is just to stress to you that it can be either male or female at this stage.
Thanks in advance for any advice you can give me.
I know all this he/she stuff is annoying to read through but I'm no expert in plecs so I havent ascertained the sex of it yet and I dont know if males or females can have different diseases, infections etc. It is just to stress to you that it can be either male or female at this stage.
Thanks in advance for any advice you can give me.