Please Help


New Member
Jul 25, 2012
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Hi. We have a small 5 gallon tank with two tropical fish, Sophie is pink and Jack is blue. Yesterday morning when i fed them, sophie did not come out to eat because she was sleeping in the skull as she often does. When i got home from work to feed them again, she still was in there. I realized she was stuck. My fiance pulled skull up and helped her out. But now she's not the same. Her fins are almost gone, her eyes are glazed, she looks blind. She's just at surface looking like she would if she was eating but she does not eat, it just floats past her. Is she suffering? What do i do? Was she without air all that time she was stuck? Poor sophie!!! What should i do? Please help. So sad
Or if you don't know what fish they are, could we please have a picture so people here can help?
Is there an email i can send picture to?

Is there an email i can send pic to?

Sorry, this is new to me. I appreciate your help and patience!
Is there an email i can send picture to?

Is there an email i can send pic to?

Sorry, this is new to me. I appreciate your help and patience!

Hi bic
Have a go at uploading a photo onto your post using photobucket (just google it). Also have a look at the top of the 'emergencies' page and you'll see a thread that says 'please read before posting to emergency section. There's a form there you can cut and paste (and fill out) and add into your post :nod:
If there's a picture attached to that post, that is. I'm doing this on smartphone and changed view. Lol. Oh boy. Thank you, i downloaded photo bucket but still working on that.
Good luck with sorting it on photobucket. Just upload and copy the link here. We really need to know what they are so we can help.

Also, as pern says, it would help if you filled in the form with all the info needed.

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