Please Help, Fish Losing Fins


New Member
Feb 21, 2013
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I have been gradually adding fish to my cycled 24gallon tank for the last few months. I started with a few danios and a BN Pleco, now I have 7 danios (2 zebra, 2 leopard, 3 pearl), 5 neon tetra, albino BN Pleco, and 4 guppies.

All was fine in my tank until 3 weeks ago when I added a very small honey gourami, and 2 of the guppies. A week later one of my danios had lost its tail, and the two other guppies had shredded tails. I returned the gourami to the store, and assumed he was the culprit, as until today all tails had grown back/healed, and no other fish had been harmed. Today the same 2 guppies have shredded tails again, but my beloved Pleco has had his tail and fin chewed as well. I have no idea what to do, I was thinking about moving the guppies to another, smaller tank as the LfS said that they shouldn't be kept with Danio's, but I have no idea what is eating the fins. the danio's are quite Nippy with each other, but have never seen them harm each other or chase other fish.

My husband said that he saw one of the new guppies nipping at several other fish, but I didn't think that guppies were capable of eating a danio's tail. Could it be the guppy? Is it more likely to be the danio's? Should I try to return the guppy, or rehome the danio? I really don't want to give up any of the fish, but I don't want my Pleco to be harmed. I have no idea what to do, as I don't have another tank, nor room to have a second large tank, though I have space for a small 10 gallon for the guppies if necessary. Any thoughts?? This is my first tropical tank, and I am getting so stressed, as I have researched everything to death before purchasing fish and all I seem to have is problems.

I test my parameters weekly, have had no ammonia or nitrites showing, and usually 5-20 nitrates. I change 20-30% water weekly, have lots of live plants and hiding spaces.
Sounds to me like it is the Danio's. They are usually very nippy, and they often nip the most at night when its dark, maybe thats why you never see them nipping the guppies?
Thank you, I suspected them, but they have been living happily with the Pleco for several months without issue. The shop I got them from won't take them back, but I will try posting an advert on gumtree or somewhere to see if anyone else will take them. The trouble is, if they are nippy, I can't see anyone else wanting them. This is so frustrating!!
Those danios are coldwater/subtropical fish. If you want a form of danio in your tank I'm pretty sure the celestial danio is the only tropical type.
Pearl Danios (Brachydanio albolineatus) is tropical.
HAB: Inhabits rice patties, canal, and slow parts of brooks and creeks. Southeast Asia; Burma (Myanmar), India, Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, Thailand.
WATER: pH 6-7.5 (6.8), 2-18 dH (8), 66-81°F (19-27°F)
B: Increase the water temperature to 79-86°F (26-30°C) and lower the water level to four to six inches (10-15 cm).
So are the Giant and regina Danios. And most can take water at least to 75°F (24°C) or a few degrees more. Many can also live happily in water much cooler- the mid 60sF (18.5°C +/-).
 When I was asking about having Pearl Danio's with my tropical fish, pretty much everyone told me not to so I was just passing on information.  Maybe they can be tropical but are happier in coldwater or something.
I did research them thoroughly before getting them, the pet shop I got them from kept them at a tropical temp too, so they were used to it. Maybe they will be happier in cold water though?
Yeah thats what I heard.
I'm getting some soon and I will be keeping them at around 20 degrees Celsius. Only thing is I'm unsure if I should get the 10.5 gallon tank (Blue Planet Classic 40) or the 20 Gallon (can't remember the name but I think its AquaOne something).

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