My betta wasn't eating yesterday and was floating lethargically at the top corner of the tank. I didn't notice any other symptoms so I did a large water change. Today he is still lethargic, his fins are starting to look ripped or shredded on the ends (like they were damaged or its the beginning of fin rot) and there is a cloudy, white, fuzzy, patch on the fins above where the damaged is (but not on his body) . On one side of his fin there is quite a large blob (for lack of a better word) of the white stuff.
After some research I think it might be fin rot and/or a fungal infection or columnaris but I have no idea which. They have some common symptoms but lots of different treatments and I don't want to use the wrong one.
My male betta lives in a ten gallon heated and filter aquarium with some live plants and it has been set up for about a year. I have an empty 5 gallon for treating, Marcyn 1 and 2 and aquarium salt.
After some research I think it might be fin rot and/or a fungal infection or columnaris but I have no idea which. They have some common symptoms but lots of different treatments and I don't want to use the wrong one.
My male betta lives in a ten gallon heated and filter aquarium with some live plants and it has been set up for about a year. I have an empty 5 gallon for treating, Marcyn 1 and 2 and aquarium salt.