Please Help...can Anyone Identify What Kind Of Fish This Is?


New Member
Mar 3, 2013
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I recently bought this guy (or girl) and the fellow at the aquarium didn't know what he was. He just said keep him at 25 degrees and 7.5 ph. He also said that he/she would like some salt in his water. Approximately 5 teaspoons per 20 litres. He is quite happy in his new home. I haven't put the salt in yet. He didn't have any in his water at the aquarium and I wanted to post this before doing anything like that. I love him (assuming its a "him"") he's a big puppy and I want to be able to give him or her a name. He is not at all aggressive with the other fish which is great because I have him in a big display tank with some other fish. I would like to know everything I can about this breed so as to be sure I can give him/her the best possible care. Any assistance will be greatly appreciated.


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Thank you very much for that information. It helped immensely. I have him with a couple of goldfish, gurami's and loaches
You might need to sort your stocking out to be honest

You have a mix of cold water fish, tropical fish and brackish water fish all in the same time

Your never going to be able to meet the needs of all (or any) of those fish in the one tank.

They are also pretty big fish so hope it's a good sized tank
Yes, what Leighton said. Please do the research on all these fish to see what their requirements are, and do NOT take the advice of the LFS (local fish shop) without checking here first. Their goal is to make money, ours is to help you keep healthy, happy fish. You're doing a disservice to the fish you have.
It's tempting to go into a LFS and pick out the coolest, prettiest fish without knowing what you're getting, but it will be disastrous unless you know what you're bringing home and can take care of them properly.
Glad you found us. 

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