Please Can Someone Help Me!


Fish Fanatic
Mar 24, 2012
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Hull, East Yorkshire, England
I have some like stringy/furry white what looks to be algae on my driftwood, It houses my Betta who seems to like it as he keeps nibblingat it but I dont want him to get ill from it, can someone give me some advice on what it is and will it harm my Bob?
High is it a new tank or a new peice of wood. if it is then its nothing to worry about im sure. i dont know exactly what it is or why new set ups get it but its some kind of bacterial bloom that takes a few months sometimes to clar............but it will clear. My kuhli loaches loved it in there tank

I would love if someone could actually explain what it is as loads of people seem to have the same problem
I don't know what it is, some kind of fungal growth maybe, but I've had it on a few pieces of wood.
Funnily enough, most of my wood is Mopani, all bought from the same place & not all pieces got it
Some of my fish liked to eat it, but it does go away after a while
Liz, you are seeing a bit of fungal growth on your wood and the betta is enjoying it as food. Do not worry too much about it. It will reduce over time and it is not hurting your betta.

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