I don't know how to test kh and gh, help on that? I got a water test kit today so I can post the whole format thing:
Whats wrong with/what to give to my sick fish/fish tank
Tank size:37 gallons
pH:8.0 (will add pH down by API to lower to 7.0, what I want)
ammonia:0-.25 (couldn't really tell, my guess .25)
kH:How do you test this?
gH:How do you test this?
tank temp:79 degrees Farenheight, 26 degrees Celcius
Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior): My Platys, (only Platys) were sick and lying at the bottom of the tank, trying to swim up, but they kept falling back to the gravel. 3 of the (now) 7 fish had bent spines, EDIT: for a while the platys have been gulping at the surface, but I didn't think it mattered
Volume and Frequency of water changes: once every other/every a week (planning on changing to once every week)
Chemical Additives or Media in your tank: AlgaeFix by API, Will add pH Down by API, Flourish, a plant food supplement by Sachem, and I add AquaSafe Plus by Tetra to the tap water, and also Cycle by NutraFin to the tap water. I have NutraFin AquaPlus, should I use that?
Tank inhabitants: 7 Cherry barbs, 7 neon tetras, 7 Pristella tetras, 1 bristlenose pleco, 2 clown plecos, 5 platys, 1 swordtail. (lengths given in above post)
Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration): Changed gravel to sand and small pebbles, added 2 pieces of driftwood, 1 big, 1 small, added 8 platys, 4 of which died

, and 1, 1.5-2 inch in diameter moss ball.
Exposure to chemicals: I couldn't find
Digital photo (include if possible): It wont let me upload!