Platys At Top Of Tank


Fish Fanatic
Jan 29, 2012
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I have a 250litre tank with about 40 small/medium fish, including 7 platys. The platys spend most of their time at the top of the tank. I've had platys before and can't recall them behaving like this. I have two air stones which create lots of small bubbles at the surface and I wonder if they are going after the bubbles thinking its food. They don't look unwell or like they are gasping. All other fish behaving normal. The platys have been like this since I got them about 2 months ago. Any advice?
Might be a water quality issue. Are all of the platys at the top? What are your water stats? If all the other fish are doing well, then it probably isn't water quality, but best to rule that out in case it is something bad. :)
When I kept these guys, I had a couple who liked to go to the top, but for the most part they were middle dwelling fish.
Water is fine I think. Ammonia zero, nitrite zero, nitrate about 20, pH neutral . of the 7 there are usually 4 or 5 at the top , but they seem quite excited like feeding behaviour, as opposed to lethargic from water issues.
1 of my 3 platys also prefers the top and rarely leaves it, he set up a little territory up there. I don't think there's anything wrong with them hanging around at the top, it's probably just personal preference.
Same with my guppies, although they hang out at the bottom, they usually chill towards the top for most of the day. :)
Guppies are upper level fish, so that makes sense for them.

If your stats are fine, then these guys are just beggars or enjoy the upper level more than the rest. Nothing to worry about. :)

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