Hello everyone. I've had my 10 gallon tank for a month now with 3 female platys. I was ignorant about ammonia levels and had a really big spike that may have resulted in my fish's gills being inflamed. After doing daily 25% water changes, the ammonia is now at 0.25, and all the other tests (nitrite, etc.) are normal. My problem is now my fish look like they have developed Velvet, due to a greenish/metallic powdery substance on their tops. They are eating and swimming normally, and I rarely see them flashing. Can I medicate them even though the ammonia is not at 0? One of the platys looks fat, and I don't know if she's pregnant. Can she be medicated safely? Will the meds for velvet make their injured gills worse? I'm afraid if I wait for the ammonia levels to go down to 0 (it's been at .25 for the past 3 days), it will be too late to save them, since they're still not acting sick. I appreciate any help you can offer!