Platy With Guppies?


Fish Crazy
Apr 26, 2012
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Hello again!

I found out that I only have one male platy! One male, and seven females. Right now he is harassing the female that is going to give birth soon, chasing her around the tank, and stuff. I'm wondering if I can put him in the tank with the male guppies for now, until I get my 55 Gallon tank. I'm afraid I don't have enough room for baby platys right now, and if after the three pregnant ones give birth they get pregnant again right away I will quickly be over run with platys! I'm already nervous about having three female's babies in a few weeks. In two weeks I should be able to add the platys to the big tank, I just need somewhere for Elijah (the male) to stay until then.

So basically is it okay for him to be without any other platys for a few weeks?

He'll be fine in with the guppies, there might be a bit of chasing until he realises there are no females.
You will still get platy babies even after you remove the male as they can store sperm for a few months
That's one reason why I stopped keeping livebearers, you so quickly get overstocked
Okay, I'm a little bit worried because the guppies fins were ripped up when I got them, so I think someone may have been nipping. I'll put him in, and keep an eye on him to make sure it wasn't him. If it is then he may get his own unfiltered, unheated, unlit tank, which would be a pain with daily water changes, no thermometer, and no lights to watch him! Let's just say it's the last resort...
Successfully added to the guppy tank, as soon as I added him he swam under a plant and sulked :p And the guppies aren't bothering him either, they're too busy playing in the filter bubbles!
I have a successful community of platies and guppies, also have 2 male betta's in there, no problems. Everything will be ok, he will perk up soon.
Haha, well I'm going to have guppies, and platys in the same tank soon, but I wasn't sure about one platy with three guppies. He's fine, and only one guppy will even go near him, he's just sulking because I took him away from his girls. He doesn't know that he'll see all of them again soon! :rolleyes:

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