Platy stuff


Fish Crazy
Oct 13, 2003
Reaction score
A pond in Canada
My tank is pretty empty now

just gravel and nothing else

should I add something for a female to hid behind when she is pregnant or not?

If so, what should I use? Plants?

Also, I have the intention of putting in breeding net because I want to keep the fish

Is it absolutly necessary to have a hiding place if I am going to eventually put them into the breeding net?
do you have two females and male or two males and female? i'd get some plants and maybe a small rock cave or two. when i had platys, one male always bullied the other, so he hid in the cave a lot or behind plants. my female never got pregnant while i had her, but i do know that when my mollies (both are livebearers so i'd guess they have similar tendencies) are ready to give birth, they like to hide behind plants and in corners and behind to rock cave for some peace while they give birth.
yeah, some of my platties like to hide lots, so getting them somewhere to hide is a good idea, so that they don't get too stressed out...

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