Platy Scales Sticking Out


Fish Crazy
Aug 18, 2013
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I've got an adult male platy and on his one side near his back end there's an area where the scales are really sticking out. It's like dropsy but just confined to that one area. He came from a tank with another platy and the tank hadn't been touched for ages so the water quality must have been quite bad. I'm wondering what this could be?
Do you mean he's pineconing? 
eaglesaquarium said:
Do you mean he's pineconing?
Yeah but just in that one spot. I've just noticed the other male chasing him quite a bit and rubbing against him (maybe trying to mate because there's no females?) do you think this could have caused some damage? If not, I'm wondering if he's damaged his side on something on his old tank (I'm just hoping he's not diseased!) :/
Does anyone think I should raise the temp and add salt? I've noticed a couple of white spots as well but I'm not sure if it's white spot or not? If this fish injured, the salt would help healing
Also just realised, if they have whitespot, he may have injured himself rubbing up against something (that thing they do when they white spot)
I've looked again and he's got little white specs on his tail, maybe it is white spot. I've successfully treated white spot before by raising the temp and adding salt but I can't remember what temp I raised it to & how much salt

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