Platy Q


Fish Gatherer
Apr 11, 2009
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Platies have never really caught my eye and I've avoided them as I think I'll be overrun with fry in no time!
LYS had some really pretty sunset ones in today though.
Are females similar looking to males? There's was nothing to choose between the tank specimens, colour wise.
Will fry get eaten or are large numbers likely to survive? Other tank mates would be male honey gourami and hengelis rasbora.
Thanks :)
Like mentioned above males have a pointy looking fin underneath. Females have a fan shape fin underneath. I started with 3 platies at one point, ended up with 32. They breed like rabbits.
I keep six males together with no my 60 gallon
Hi, females will look similar to males colour wise and they are not drab in comparison to say female guppies to male guppies, I would think the gourami will polish off most of the fry but some may survive if you have plenty of plant cover 
Arcticfox1977 said:
Like mentioned above males have a pointy looking fin underneath. Females have a fan shape fin underneath. I started with 3 platies at one point, ended up with 32. They breed like rabbits.
Exactly what I feared! I don't have the tank capacity for millions of babies!
I could try and get all males, but again, tank size would make it less than ideal.
Hmmm, might try and source some sunset gouramis instead.
if you can identify definite males then you're fine but add a female and you'll be dealing with fry week in week out. If you like them but don't want fry then an all male group is fine. If there's no females to fight over they should get along okay
I have both male and female platies and guppies in my tank and am not over run with fry, I do have a fair amount of plant cover but my kribs ensure I never get over run, occasionally one or two slip the net ( the clever/stronger ones) which is the ones you want really! so it is doable 

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