Platy Pregnant


New Member
Sep 23, 2012
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Hi all I did introduce myself on the newbie page. I need advice ,suggestions for my F platy. She is pregnant for about 4wks now. I thought nothing of her size two wks ago thinking I over fed her. Well I was wrong. I did lots of research. We decided to not go with the breeder box. We separated one quarter of the 55g with a divider. She doesn't seemed stressed. We put floating plants and gravel plants for her comfort and for the fry to hide. She is so big. She is pooping ever time I look at her. I see her end is white more important I think I see a round white tube like structure in there as well. She is hanging out at the bottom. She will eat sometimes. At times she seems to breath heavy. So I don't know how close she is. Any advise please?
I tried to upload picture and the upload section said file was to big? It was one pic?
Try to use photobucket or imageshack websites for uploading pictures instead.
Your platy seems to be very close to birth, 4 weeks pregnant she's nearly there and they do get kind of "opened" at the back before birth, also the front top of the belly kind of drops down to make them look "squared".

Fluttermoth Mod edit; I hope you don't mind, but I've edited your post so your pic shows :)
She looks huge alrgight, she'll be firing tiny platies left right and center soon :lol:
Still no fry. However I have another problem that I don't know what is the right thing to do. She is currently in a sectioned part of the 55g tank. With lots of plants. I have set up a 10g in anticipation of the fry. My 55g needs to have a water change and cleaning, the filter pads as well. I tried to hold off till she was done but it needs to be done. Do I do it with her in there and possibly stress her more or do I take her and some plants and some of her gravel to the 10g and stress her still?
I really need someone's help!!!
If you have a 10G cycled tank with plants, she shouldn't stress too much if you move her early. It's a good place to be rather than some breeding box like some people do. Then you only need to net out only one fish when she gives birth and leave the fry in there. Make sure you cover the filter intake if the opening is too big, though platy fry are big enough not to get in there. She shouldn't be that stressed by the water change either? My platies are all over the siphon, thinking that the bits travelling up the siphon are food, to the point I have to keep the opening really close to the gravel not the suck one up. But I have come to the conclusion that the home bred ones have no problem with tank fiddling where the shop bought ones are skittish, maybe because of their rough experience with human handling. I guess you'll find out the difference soon :lol:
Keep in mind that platies are very good at hiding when giving birth. And the fry are artists at finding hiding spots when they are small. The ones that were naturally reddish/orange at birth I could notice, but I could never see the yellow/see through ones until they were biggish and started swimming around. They are a lot more skittish when little than other livebearers like guppies.
I did end up putting her in the 10g. I covered all three sides with brown paper bag and left the front open. She is not as crazy as I thought she would be. She is hiding up in the floating plants. I'll be glad when she births. Lol stressful for me so if it happens I mean when it happens again ill be a little more calm. Thank you so much for your patience and guidance.

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