Platy Life Natural Life Span

I was wondering what the natural life span of a laty was? My favorite male died suddenly last night. :sick:

Somewhere between 18 months and 3 years I would guess.

Guessing that you bought the fish from a shop, I would not imagine that would help very much since you will not know how old the fish was when you bought it. The life span will also depend upon the temperature, the warmer you keep the fish, the shorter their lifespan (unless you keep them too cold of course, then their life span will be very short indeed :rolleyes:).

Of course, some will live longer and some will live shorter, just like in humans.

You can normally tell when a livebearer is old though, just by looking at it and there is often an alternative reason for it's death other than old age.
2.5 years is usually the average. Sometimes, like humans, fish can die of strokes. So one day your fish might look great, and the next day...dead.
Average lifespan for livebearers now a dyas is 2 years.

Where did you read that fish die of strokes? I have never heard of that before.

Where did you read that fish die of strokes? I have never heard of that before.

My dad bought this amazing book as a kid about fish and that is where I started learning about fish. It is outdated now, published 1966, but I haven't found anything quite like it. It has more info in it then the other books I've seen combined. It has some species so exotic that they aren't common species of fish ( only having the scientific name) and there are some species that aren't in there that we have shows how breeding and technology has progressed. It isn't as much of a care book if you know what I mean as it is a information book. It tells of the history of how it was discovered or imported into the common fish tanks we have today.

It is very interesting if you have any questions, send me a pm and I can look it up.

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