Platy Has Dropsy


Jul 28, 2011
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Hi all,

I posted some time back about my platy being stressed at the bottom. She was becoming more active although still hiding. Today i noticed she looks fatter and upon closer inspection, her scales are sticking out a little. She's still eating and swimming around. Is there anything I can do about it? I know it's not curable but is it possible I can prevent it from getting worse? :( I don't want to lose her..

I'm also wondering what causes dropsy? Would it be unwise to clean out my entire tank?
Hi, I lost my male platy to dropsy at xmas so I know how you feel. Unfortunately there is very very little you can do for her. She will almost definitely get worse over the next few days (if it definitely is dropsy). Dropsy is caused by an internal bacterial infection that causes the internal organs to swell thus causing the fish to swell and the scales to protrude. As you said in your post, it is incurable. There are meds on the market, which I tried but with no effect. Some fish keepers suggested I put my platy in a salt bath (unsure how you do this so try and get more advice if you want to try it). In the end I had to net mine out and leave him in a jug to die peacefully.

I was told the problem would be that if he died in the tank and his tank mates started to eat him they would catch the infection too and then I could potentially lose the entire tank to dropsy.

Unfortunately you are going to lose her if it is dropsy and my best suggestion would be to get some clove oil and put her to sleep humanely.
If you want any further information on how to do this let me know.

I really sorry I couldn't give you happier news :no:
Thanks so much for your reply.

I did some reading up and if it really is dropsy I'll end up losing her :( I'm trying out salt in the tank but it may be in vain.. She's been my strongest fish so far, surviving multiple ich issues and always so active. I have no idea why recently she's been so stressed and now her scales are sticking out. ><

Sorry to hear about your loss. Fish may seem like small, unimportant creatures but they really stay in your heart because there are never 2 fish that are the same!

I'm going to wait and see if she will get better before euthanizing her. Thank you lots for your help!
Dropsy is caused by an internal bacterial infection

That is one of the causes, but not the only one. That's one of the reasons why it's so difficult to treat - you don't know what the underlying cause is.
Hi, I lost my male platy to dropsy at xmas so I know how you feel. Unfortunately there is very very little you can do for her. She will almost definitely get worse over the next few days (if it definitely is dropsy). Dropsy is caused by an internal bacterial infection that causes the internal organs to swell thus causing the fish to swell and the scales to protrude. As you said in your post, it is incurable. There are meds on the market, which I tried but with no effect. Some fish keepers suggested I put my platy in a salt bath (unsure how you do this so try and get more advice if you want to try it). In the end I had to net mine out and leave him in a jug to die peacefully.

I was told the problem would be that if he died in the tank and his tank mates started to eat him they would catch the infection too and then I could potentially lose the entire tank to dropsy.

Unfortunately you are going to lose her if it is dropsy and my best suggestion would be to get some clove oil and put her to sleep humanely.
If you want any further information on how to do this let me know.

I really sorry I couldn't give you happier news :no:

Dropsy is a symptom rather than a disease so there could be any number of reasons why a fish has it, not limited to but including bacterial infections. This is what makes it so hard to treat but thankfully not all cases will affect other fish in a tank. OP, sorry to hear about your fish.
Dropsy is caused by an internal bacterial infection

That is one of the causes, but not the only one. That's one of the reasons why it's so difficult to treat - you don't know what the underlying cause is.

I understood that internal bacterial infection was the main cause. I'm sorry if I got that wrong. I was just trying to help the OP and try and be a comfort aswell :sad:
Thanks everyone. It seems that she won't make it. :-( Her scales are sticking out completely today.

I'm really puzzled as to why she suddenly got this and it makes me feel horrible! I'm gonna miss her loads when she's gone..
All sympathy - I had to euthanase a much loved fish with clove oil a couple of weeks ago as he had dropsy. No reason found for the dropsy - I was told sometimes it just happens even if tank conditions are good.
Mine got it after a power cut that went on for 5 hours - I blamed that at the time and in some ways I still do. I have no real evidence to prove it was that though.

Sometimes we just have to accept we'll never truely know.

I'm really sorry to hear she's not getting better :sad:
She didn't make it :( I'm glad that I managed to take photos of her before her dropsy though. Dropsy is such a mysterious disease/symptom!
I had to euthanize a female betta a few weeks ago due to dropsy. She never even showed signs that she was ill. Always active, and ate well. One day I noticed that she looked like a big pinecone and was having trouble swimming. It happened that broke my heart
One of my male mollies had it really bad so I put him in my dump tank and I'm amazed he got better and 2 weeks on he is fine and healthy rare I no but he well and kicking.
I had to euthanize a female betta a few weeks ago due to dropsy. She never even showed signs that she was ill. Always active, and ate well. One day I noticed that she looked like a big pinecone and was having trouble swimming. It happened that broke my heart

I'm so sorry to hear that :-( I hope you managed to take photos of her when she was alive and healthy!

One of my male mollies had it really bad so I put him in my dump tank and I'm amazed he got better and 2 weeks on he is fine and healthy rare I no but he well and kicking.

Amazing, that's really good news :)

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