Platy Fry


Mostly New Member
Apr 11, 2014
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So my platy is currently having her fry so far 15, she's in a breeding box and most of them have fallen through into the bottom.
I'm still new to all this so I have no clue what to do, how long do I leave her in the box? What do I feed the fry? And how many more could she have?
Sorry probs silly questions.
But any advice would be very welcome
She could have as many as 30 or 40, although if she's young she'll probably have less than that. The fry can eat whatever you're feeding the adults, just crush it up small.

It's difficult to say how long you should leave her in the box. Personally, I wouldn't put fish on one in the first place; they tend to be very stressful for the mother, and are too small for the fry to grow properly.

How big is the main tank?
The main tank is only 15ltr, when I realised she was pregnant I went to local fish shop and they told me to use box, i also have a bigger tank with guppies in, which I will be transferring babies to when they big enough not to be eaten. Will crush up some food for them, how long before I feed them?
A 15 ltr tank is far too small for platy's :/ not to mention if you want to keep those fry. You will have to upgrade and FAST! or you're going to run into a lot of problems. Can I ask your current stocking levels?
PS: I don't wan't to sound like i'm telling you what to do :/ just want to give an honest opinion for yours and your fishes sake.
The shop I brought it from told me it was suitable for 2 platy and 4 danio, which is what I have in it, I also have a 30lt tank which has 9 guppies in, but unfortunately battling fin rot in that one today. I'm hoping to move the fry into that one when their big enough and the tank is fin rot free, and other fry will be going to my brother in law who has a 750lt tank.
What size would you recommend?
What sort of danios do you have? Ones like zebra danios are very active so should be kept in a 4ft+ tank and in groups of 6+.
The platys you want a 15g+ tank for. I'd upgrade the guppy tank as well if you plan on putting platys in there.
I think you want to feed your fry at least 3x a day but could be wrong as I've never had livebearers.
Hello there. Are you able to buy a 64 L tank to keep the fry in. Crush the flake food up with the back of a spoon to turn it into dust, they will feed happily on that. You can take some media from the tanks you already have set up and put it into the new filter to seed the new tank for the fry. They will need hide holes to feel safe, mine used to hide under the leaves of plants. Mums don't like being in the box, but sometimes it's the only way to keep the fry out if the mouths of the mum or other adult fish in the tank. My first platy took 12 hours to birth all her brood... I think there were 40 fry.
Ps the 64L tank is only for now, as they will need a 80G tank when they are mature

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