Platy Fry

shez niya

New Member
Mar 1, 2012
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Hi im just wondering if anyone could give me advice on the best ways to raise platy fry so they survive. My platy gave birth to four fry yesterday in a breeding tank, ive taken the mother out and put her back in the community tank so the little fry are on there own. i would like to know what food is best to feed them and how long they stay in the breeding tank till i can move them.Ive ordered liquifry 2 which should arrive withing the next couple of days but in the meantime ive been feeding them crushed up fish food. This is my first time that ive had a fish give birth so any advice would be appreciated.


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Finely crushed fish flakes is just fine. You can also boil an egg and use tiny ammounts of the egg yolk smashed between your fingers but careful as it polutes the water.
I literally overfed mine, several times a day different crushed food, tetra baby food, hikari baby powder, frozen brine shrimp, etc.. whatever you have. and do water changes once a day for at least a month for faster growth. By that time platy babies are too large to be eaten by adults.
If you are keeping them in a breeder box, put a few plants to dicrease stress from the lights and make them feel comfy.

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