Fish Gatherer
My grumpy platy who refuses to be happy living with her own kind, lives in my community tank (female guppies and neon tetras).
She has EVERY symptom there is that she is either giving birth now and I haven't spotted the babies hiding or she will at any second. (She had her previous batch 29 days ago)... So, I am raising the previous batch, and a few that were surprises from another platy (3 babies)... and I don't want anymore...
... if I just don't feed my community tank for a day or two... will that likely take care of the problem?
She has EVERY symptom there is that she is either giving birth now and I haven't spotted the babies hiding or she will at any second. (She had her previous batch 29 days ago)... So, I am raising the previous batch, and a few that were surprises from another platy (3 babies)... and I don't want anymore...
... if I just don't feed my community tank for a day or two... will that likely take care of the problem?