Platy Fry - An Interesting Combination


Warning - Mad Cory Woman
Oct 24, 2011
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Hi all, I just wanted to share these photo's of one of my platy fry. Mum was a blue tuxedo (or mickey mouse if you prefer) and dad was a red wagtail spitz (got a fancy tail)



I thought it an interesting combination and I've never seen anything like it on my travels. I've yet to work out sex as he/she is too young
thank you :) I'd take a guess that it's about 4-6 weeks old. I didn't see it being born and found it in the substrate with a few others during maintenance.
All the others I found are different and I have a feeling that Dad is the reg wagtail spitz to all of them but the mum's are various females (I've plenty to choose from lol)

There's now a dark green speckled male in there and a male fry from my first batch (born at xmas and different father). The rest are female.

I'm leaving them to it and just netting out what I find when cleaning out otherwise I'm gonna be over-run with platies aswell as guppies lol (currently raising 70-odd guppy fry born 1 week ago today and it's a nightmare I don't want to repeat!)

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