Platy For Ten Gallon?


New Member
Jul 6, 2013
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I want to get a Platy tomorrow for my 10g tank. I have 3 X-ray tetras, 1 blood fin tetra, and 1 female black Molly. How would I breed them and would my tank be a good size? Is the community in my tank suitable for Platies?
Hmm, you could have platies, but not really with the other fish which, being totally honest, are not suitable for a ten gallon tank. The molly will get too big and the tetras should really be in groups of at least six of their own species, which you don't have room for.
^^ totally agree with this.  Honestly you should only have pygmy or dwarf types of fish in 10 gals IMO.  But you could also have a betta.  IN my 10 gals i have pygmy corydoras with a betta and in my other one i have endler guppies (which is sort of a pygmy version).
Pretty sure there is a list of fish for smaller tanks someone made on this site but i don't have the link to provide, maybe someone else does.
found it

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