Platy Fish


New Member
Jun 23, 2012
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Hey guys,

I recently noticed my red wag platy fish have a round white dot on her anal area, i heard that might be a sign of her being pregnant but she is too skinny to be. It is two days that i seen her with the white dot and i see her going for food but she spits it back out and she does sometimes hide on the top of my fish tank. The other problem i have is with my other panda platy, today i saw her have some sort of cut on one of her sides. I dont know if maybe she has been picked on by her tankmates.
2 male platys, 2 female platys. (i know i have to have 3 female platies for every one male but i do have 5 3 month old platy fry that are going to moved to this tank)
1 black molly
2 creamcicle female molly
1 female damaltion/lyretail molly
1 female balloon molly
and 1 (they said it was female but im not sure) molly
2 red tetras
1 pleco
4 snails(plus a baby snail that came out of nowhere)

its a 30 gallon tank

I will post a picture of the female red wag when my camera starts working again haha
Can you post water stats in ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph.

The spots is in the size of a grain of salt.
Any signs of flicking and rubbing.
Darting, erraticx swimming.
Is her belly sunken in.
Do any of your fish have signs of a curved spine, bent spine.
Is the anus enlarged, or red and inflamed.
Any worms sticking out of the anus.
Is the fish waste, white, long and stringy, clear, or red.
Does she swim on her side.
Has she lost weight due to not eating.

The cut on the panda platy. Does it look like a red sore.
i will post the water stats as soon as my api freshwater master test kit arrives. I use to go to my local pet store to check it out but as soon as i went, they got new employees and they didnt seem to know what they were doing (they didnt even know how to tell whether a livebrearer is female or male).
theres some sad news about my red wag, she unfortunately died 2 days ago. And my panda platy does not have the mark on her side anymore. However, i see my other fish started to flick and rub on my ornaments and white dots on their fins. So im guessing they have ick. But im not sure how to treat it. I do have some aquarium salt and some ick treatment but it says on the label that the fish may die. Any ideas on what medication to use that will help save my fish? Also, one of dalmation mollies gave birth recently and the fry was in the tank in which the problems started, should i leave them in the tank (i have a marina hang on breeder where they were born) or should i seperate them?
Medicate the whole tank. But only half dose with having fry in the tank.

Gravel vac and water change.
Raise temp to 30.
Remove black carbon from filter if you use it.
Increase aeration. As high temp, and med reduce 02 in the water.
Then half dose the whitespot med. Follow med instructions.

What the brand name of the med you have?

okay, i have rid ich plus made by kordon. I have my tank right now at 80 degrees farenheit. Im really scared to raise it higher becuase i live in an area where it gets really hot this time of year. so would that be enough?
Keep temp stable. Don't want a big drop of temp at night.

Maybe run a fan near the tank. Close curtains, or blinds in the room.
so i was cleaning my breeder tank today where my dalamation molly fry are staying and i noticed long white stringy waste, i put a flashlight near it and i noticed it moving. So im guessing its some type of worm. What can i do to get rid it? Is there any hope for my fry? i have my temperature at 80 degrees and its been stable, ive been putting aquarium salt in my tank, and have not been using rid ick since i wanted to save my fry. But if the fry have worms well...i really dont want to lose them but if its for the sake for my other fish then i will. please help.
so i was cleaning my breeder tank today where my dalamation molly fry are staying and i noticed long white stringy waste, i put a flashlight near it and i noticed it moving. So im guessing its some type of worm. What can i do to get rid it? Is there any hope for my fry? i have my temperature at 80 degrees and its been stable, ive been putting aquarium salt in my tank, and have not been using rid ick since i wanted to save my fry. But if the fry have worms well...i really dont want to lose them but if its for the sake for my other fish then i will. please help.

Possibly planaria worm. Search for images on google to confirm. It's a tiny little warm that also wiggles on the tanks glass. It happens in overfed tanks with a lot of waiste, fry tank would be the best example :lol: If it's planaria, it's harmless and the fish will snack on it but you need to do better maintainance to stop them from overtaking and also for the well being of the fry and further diseases that may pop up in such conditions.
Yes, i googled it and the worms i saw look exactly like planaria but smaller haha. Thank you for your help. Normally i do water changes every thrid day but i had a busy 3 weeks so ive been doing it weekly. Im am going back to those 3 day water changes now haha.
Yes, i googled it and the worms i saw look exactly like planaria but smaller haha. Thank you for your help. Normally i do water changes every thrid day but i had a busy 3 weeks so ive been doing it weekly. Im am going back to those 3 day water changes now haha.

No worries then, very harmless worms. Once you do regular water changes and siphoning, they disappear quite fast.
okay, i have rid ich plus made by kordon. I have my tank right now at 80 degrees farenheit. Im really scared to raise it higher becuase i live in an area where it gets really hot this time of year. so would that be enough?

If you are treating ich using medication/antibiotics, you shouldn't raise the temperature because it will double deplete the oxygen from the water and on top of the fish already having respiration difficulties as a consequence of the ich, it will kill them instead of cure them. There are two approaches for ich, either just medicationor or some people do high temperatures/salt combination if no salt sensitive fish in the tank, but never both at the same time.
Thank you again. Ill keep that in mind next time if i use medications in my aquarium. Most likely i wont though since where i live it gets temperatures as high as 90 degrees and i wouldnt want the temperature in my aquarium to rapidly increase haha.

And thank you wilder for your help also, i started to see less of ick in my main fish tank :good:
:/ just remember to remove the snails because in rid-ich i believe there is a type of salt in there or something... :/
at lest the one i have has salt in it...

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