Platy Behaviour ?


Mostly New Member
Jul 3, 2013
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Hi guys and gals,
I have a male red platy and a male high fin 'rainbow' platy chasing a female red platy around the tank. Poor thing looks harassed.
Is this courtship or could she be pregnant? Her belly is a little bloated, but not overly so.
I suppose what I'm trying to say is if a female platy is pregnant, do the males still pay her a lot of attention or do they just leave her alone to get on with it?
I have 2 females and no interest is shown by the males to the other female what so ever.....
It's possible thats she's pregnant. Most livebearers are almost guaranteed to be pregnant if she has been in contact with a male within the last 6 months (which yours obviously has)
I may be wrong but I've heard its best to have a female : male ratio of 2:1. It might help if you get 2 more females :)
Well, the male 'high fin' problem got worse, he started to chase one of my male red platys around the tank day and night until the poor thing died - found it day before yesterday behind my rock!  :(
However, yesterday I got 2 female high fin Rainbows as Blondielovesfish suggested and he's now a different fish altogether.... either because he is posing to the new females. or that he finished off the red platy male - don't know which....
If he starts again, then a more permanent solution may have to be considered..... last warning! :)

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