platy acting weird!!


Fish Fanatic
May 29, 2004
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I noticed yesterday on thursday that my platy, phoebe, was not eating, and she was hiding in the back of the tank an awful lot

ammonia today-0 ppm
nitrite today-like around mebbe 1-2 ppm(i dont have the little dipping strip thingys)
nitrate day before yesterday(big hassle to test)-mebbe low 20s, high 10s ppm
temp is regular about 78 degrees F
ph in our area is kinda high, at mebbe high 7s to low 8s
water sorta hard

fish symptom-hides a lot will not take food, not even tubifex. has yellow belly, and i think mebbe this is the problem... i sorta noticed it grew a little ever since i got her on 2/13/05 (just noticed today)(pheebs has had the yellowish belly since she came, tho at start just a tiny bit...). shes kinda young

water changes, ive only done one so far on 2/19 like about 10-15%

i use amquel, stress zyme bacterial additive , and stress coat

feed fish sumtims a little tubifex and basic wardley tropical flake food

only other tank mate is another female platy named Susie (yes im 100% sure they both female)

tank size is 12 gallon

and i got both fish at same time on 2/13

plz help!!!!!!!!!!! :-( :-( and thnx :)
Hi there,
Perhaps the nitrites are stressing her? You are currently cycling the tank right? Maybe more frequent water changes until both ammonia and nitrites are at 0?
Everyone seems to think that a bit of salt in the water helps, so maybe add a bit of Kosher salt or aquarium salt.
What colour are the fish? Maybe a yellow belly is normal for them? Or they may have had a problem when you got them and the stress of the tank cycling is making it worse.
Anyway, try a 20% water change with dechlorinated water and I am sure that others with more knowledge will respond soon.
well ya shes had the yellow belly since coming but now its been expanding and she definitively will NOT eat
i dont think a water change will help cuz i think its not nitrites cuz susie is fine, but ill do one tomorrow
and ill look fer salt, mebbe itl help.. thnx

edit: i noted now she came out a little but still wont eat
ill have pix in a moment... and btw fergot to note i have noticed a little stringy thingy hanging out the back.. my phish book sez it could be a sign of constipation?
if you think it is constipation apparently shelled peas work well.
White stringy things are also a sign of internal parasites. if that is the case, you will need to treat sooner rather than later
good luck

edit - also, Susie may have just been a hardier fish & perhaps is just dealing better with less than perfect water....just a thought

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