Platies Sick

Platy Man

New Member
Jun 23, 2003
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I have red wag tail platies. One of them just recently died. It had white patches all over its body. The stomach was insanely shrunken.

Is it ich or some sorta fungus?

What should I do. I see another platy is showing signs of a patch and shrunken stomach
Sounds like ich!! If you can hold up 10 minutes I'll upload a brilliant article done by LesGerber - one of the members here, its got all you need to know.

Do the white patches look like flecks of salt? If so you need to purchase some anti ick medication.
The white spots do not look like flecks of salt. The fish just appears to be losing its colour and turning white. Also the stomach is getting smaller. The fins are are fine. There are no white spots on the fins
If it's not ich, then I think it's fungus, esp. if it comes in patches. Do the patches look like cotton wool? Do the patches spread?

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