Plants That Grow Out Of Top Of Aquarium


Fish Crazy
Sep 5, 2011
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hi i jus wondering what some speices that will grow in my aquarium that are large enough to grow well out the of the top of the water, i dont mean standard plants i mean ones that are meant to have its leafs out of water, i have an open top aquarium and a large empty space above the tank were the light system hangs from the ceiling i want to fill this out with plants aswell i want the plants roots and stem in the water but the leaves out above the surface like these that are growing out the top of takishi amanos tank thanks


I have about 4 stems of Polygonum sao paulo, it is currently exceeding the limits of my tank height. The parts that are protruding are red whereas the underwater plant is green haha
sounds cool do u have any pics?? also do i just plant them in the substrate as normal??
most aquatic plants come from marsh lands or river banks so grow both under an out of water, so anything that can support its self will grow out if you let it, or use the pots you fix near the top of the tank.
Have a look at big Toms bucket of mud journal. He made a pretty amazing scape.
I have grown anubias out of water before, the leaves change colour and shape slightly.
Some reading here -
thanks for ur replies everyone, does anyone no what the pots are called that are attached near the top of the tank, also what do i put in them for the plants roots to grow in??

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