Plants And Waterchange


New Member
Aug 3, 2012
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I've order around 20-25 plants that i hope to get next week, I was wondering since i've started a new aquarium should i wait with the first water change until i get the new plants or should i do the water change on the 7th day (with out the new plants) got some fast 'growing' plants in it as we speak.

Thank for your help

Kind regards

Are there fish in the tank or are you doing a fishless cycle?
Sorry yes without fish. i will add fish after a 2-3 months running
In that case you don't need to water change at all, unless; you dose too much ammonia and it goes over around 5ppm; the nitrate level goes over about 100ppm; your ph drops to under 6.5.

All those things can stall or stop a cycle, or lead to the wrong sort of bacteria to grow.

What ppm of ammonia you dosing to atm?
The only thing im adding at this point is Easy life Profito and carbo and Co2. the FE is 0,5 so that is perfect. Hope to get next week the other 17 plants.
So...just leaving the tank to run won't cycle it to be safe for fish...unless you're intending to do a silent cycle?
Could you please explain Silent cycle as im not english or american, But just want to now what it means ;). I think i will do the first water change after another 3 week. I do a weekly check up on the water (Fe,Co2 and so on)
Ok. I'll try to give you a simple run down :)

'Cycling' means growing a colony of good bacteria in your filter that eat the ammonia (which is toxic) produced by the fish.

You can do this three ways;

fishless, where you add an ammonia solution to replicate the effect of fish in the tank. This is the safest method, and the one we recommend on this forum

fish in, where the fish produce the ammonia, but this involves a lot of large water changes to keep the fish safe until the bacteria grow, so we don't recommend this method

a silent cycle, where you have at least 75% of the tank floor filled with plants, and the plants use the ammonia until the bacteria grow; you can add only a few small fish, a few weeks apart using this method.

Hope that helps!
Nice synopsis
a silent cycle, where you have at least 75% of the tank floor filled with plants, and the plants use the ammonia until the bacteria grow; you can add only a few small fish, a few weeks apart using this method.
Quick growing stems really,not so much stuff like anubias & java fern, and large daily water changes.Not sure i'd recommend for a novice fishkeeper? though.
Not that you need any more to think about - But if you're adding Carbon and CO[sub]2[/sub] you'll need the rest of the nutrients (Nitro, Fosfo and Kalium if you stick with EasyLife) to make up a complete nutrient package. You may find yourself falling short on these of your fish food and fish waste doesnt keep up.

So in what product are those other eliments Nitro, Fosfo and Kalium
Sorry for all those Q.

So can some one name me the products i still need to buy. The following things is what i got.

Easylife Profit,Carbo
Light ;) 3 x 39W with a Colour temp of 4000-6000
I use those Balls you put at the plants roots from Sera and Dennerle
Its a 200L and im in Germany ;) so not far away lol

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